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Discovering Sales Success: Pre-Sale Assistance’s Power

In the entire purchase journey, customers have multiple questions related to the product, in terms of size, return policy, product satisfaction, and so on and so forth! Proactively responding to these inquiries and assisting customers in making more informed purchasing selections is how pre-sales assistance expands your company. 40–50% of new customers are converted by […]

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Lowering Facebook ad costs per result through click-to-WhatsApp ads.

It’s important to continuously look for low-cost ways to engage and build a connection with your target market. For this, Facebook’s Click-to-WhatsApp ad is a very popular function. By taking advantage of the familiarity and ease of use of WhatsApp chat, these advertisements not only improve conversion rates but also streamline communication. Let’s explore how […]

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Four Ways that Automation Affects Customer Service

Automation in customer support has swiftly expanded across various businesses, including eCommerce, since ChatGPT’s November 2022 launch. One of the best examples of how AI has helped businesses improve their customer service efficiency is Klarna, a buy-now-pay-later firm that recently employed it to handle two-thirds of its customer care discussions. It’s clear that automation benefits […]

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GEMINI, Google’s newest AI project, is anticipated to outperform CHATGPT

Discover Gemini, Google’s ambitious AI project that uses techniques for problem-solving that are similar to those used in the game AlphaGo and aims to redefine AI capabilities and outperform models like ChatGPT. The field of artificial intelligence (AI), which is quickly emerging, keeps expanding the boundaries of what is possible. Google’s most recent AI endeavor, […]

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Customer Experience

Is WhatsApp Marketing Worth It. Discover the Truth

The most difficult thing in social media marketing is the high cost of advertising. Along with that, there is a challenge in building trust and attention. This stops various small businesses from utilizing the full potential of social media marketing.  Associate partner at Piper Private Equity Leon Hugs stated in a Shopify Plus interview that […]

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How to Use an AI Assistant for Better Customer Conversion

In the digital age, customer conversion is a top priority for businesses. Leveraging an AI assistant can significantly enhance your ability to convert prospects into loyal customers. This blog will explore detailed strategies to maximize customer conversion using AI assistants, from personalized interactions to data-driven insights. Understanding AI Assistants An eServe AI assistant is a […]

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How Does Conversational Artificial Intelligence Work?

Here in this article, we are going to discuss about Conversational AI in detail and how it operates. What Is Conversational AI, and How Does It Operate? A range of technologies that allow computers to engage with people in a personalized way are included in the conversational AI idea. It can analyze text and compare […]

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Empower Your Customers with a Help Center on Your FAQ Page

A simple resource with a lot of value is a frequently asked questions (FAQ) page.  It anticipates typical customer inquiries, clarifies any ambiguity that might stand in the way of a sale, and lowers the volume of repetitive tickets your customer support team receives so they can focus on more meaningful conversations.  Larger knowledge bases […]

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How Has AI and Analytics Changed the E-Commerce Customer Service

Artificial intelligence helps transform the complete brand experience for eCommerce customers. True financial performance is determined by the speed with which customers respond and problems are resolved. Organizations worldwide, particularly large B2C firms, have begun to integrate artificial intelligence into their customer interactions on a large scale, with immediate results. In today’s digital age, providing […]

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Ultimate guide for designing your GPT-3.5-Turbo model

Master of Code has been using OpenAI’s GPT-3.5-Turbo model ever since it was released. After numerous successful implementations, we wanted to share our best practices for quickly creating the model for your Generative AI solution.  It’s important to note that, even though new models may have debuted since this article was published, these prompt engineering […]

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Agent Workspace

Helpdesk definition, benefits and objectives for eCommerce 

Whether you’re a customer looking to troubleshoot a product bug or an employee trying to connect to the company VPN, nothing is more annoying than not being able to contact a company when you need help. In today’s time-constrained world, both customers and employees expect seamless support interactions that make them feel valued. An essential […]

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Customer Experience

Chatbot vs Live Chat Software: Which is the Right Solution for Business.

As you brace yourself to integrate more customer self-service options on your website, it’s easy to land in a dilemma between live chat and chatbot. Do you know that more than half of your customers prefer instant response through chat support when they reach out to you? Among all the customer support channels, chat has […]

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Combine automation & human interaction for the strongest customer experience

Automated channels of customer support such as chatbots are constantly changing the face of customer support. Interestingly, 65% of customers would wish to get their issues sorted without human intervention? Out of this, 62% would be comfortable interacting with a chatbot rather than your agents. Well, CEOs and business leaders might hold the opinion that […]

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Customer Experience

Customer Self-Service: Advantages, Types, and Best Practices

Do you know that 88% of your customers expect self-service features to enhance their experience while interacting with your brand? Customer self-service largely reduces friction as your clients interact with your business. How about deflecting a sizable part of your tickets without any involvement of agents by deploying automated technologies? Thanks to automation and the […]

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4 Ways to Measure Your Ecommerce Customer Service’s Efficiency

For customer service in e-commerce to be more effective, numerous minor changes are required. Finding the potential turning points in development can be difficult. However, it might be easy to do so if certain metrics are used. This article’s main focus is on that. You will discover 4 metrics in this article that you can […]

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Agent Workspace

The 18 Best Software Tools for Customer Service in 2024

Customer support software is the foundation of a delightful customer experience. The best customer service tools and implementation strategies for your business are not easy to choose, though. Some leading software tools for customer service are discussed below: Zendesk Companies can design effortless customer experiences with the help of Zendesk’s customer service software. The smooth […]

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Customer Support

List of Top 15 Help Desk Ticketing Software

A good ticketing system makes communication easier. This is achieved by removing the bottlenecks that arise when no one is aware of the problem, its significance, or the source of the report. But even the best software is useless without the right personnel and procedures. Let us first understand the fundamentals of a ticketing system.  […]

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SMS vs. Email vs. WhatsApp: Picking the Right Channel for Your Marketing Needs

Consumers today spend a significant amount of their time on conversational channels such as SMS, WhatsApp, and Email. Even though SMS and Email platforms have been around for quite some time now, people prefer them over their recent counterparts. They spend their valuable time checking SMS and email messages. These platforms are also recommended for […]

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Customer Experience

4 Tips for eCommerce Service Providers to Keep Customers Happy

The global retail e-commerce market is expected to reach a value of $6.310 trillion this year and $8.148 trillion in 2026. There are over 9.1 million current online retailers competing for a share of this pie. As an eCommerce Services Provider, if you want to grow your online business and succeed, it is important to […]

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Customer Experience

5 tips for building world-class omnichannel customer service

As a marketer, you must be aware that most of your competitors are deploying omnichannel customer service systems. In case you struggle to engage and nurture your clientele with the traditional approach to customer support, it’s time to deploy a foolproof omnichannel customer support strategy.  Do you know that businesses with omnichannel customer engagement tactics […]

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Level Up Your B2B eCommerce: How Chatbots Streamline Complex Customer Journeys

Assisting your customers with adequate and timely online support defines the trust of your eCommerce platform. With stiff competition raging, you can’t afford the slightest lacuna in supporting your clients online.  Your existing and potential customers look forward to benefit from a fast, accurate, and practical response from your end whenever they reach out to […]

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How Conversational AI Work? A Detail Guide on Conversational AI

What is Conversational AI? Conversational AI(Artificial Intelligence) is a process or set of technologies which helps to enable your machine to process, understand and respond naturally to text or voice inputs. It’s a part of AI which allows computer to understand & process human languages and eServeCloud Cloud Conversational AI module power new generative AI […]

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Customer Support

Connect Web Connector to 3rd-party tools

Now you can connect your existing app with new Web Connector in our very own eServeCloud, you can now fetch data and push actions to your tools in Web Connector! This new feature will help you to connect wide range of automations tools which include: Adding prospects or customers to your marketing lists or create […]

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Customer Experience

Why should you invest in a support chatbot for your eCommerce customers?

Assisting your customers with adequate and timely online support defines the trust of your eCommerce platform. With stiff competition raging, you can’t afford the slightest lacuna in supporting your clients online.  Your existing and potential customers look forward to benefit from a fast, accurate, and practical response from your end whenever they reach out to […]

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Customer Experience

The Ultimate Guide to Customer Experience: Creating Loyal Fans for Your Business

In today’s highly connected world, making sure customers have a good experience of your product or services and that is not just a nice extra – it’s really important. Customer experience (CX) is about all the times a customer interacts with your brand, starting from when they first find out about it to getting help […]

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Omni Channel

Why switch to omni-channel customer support?

A steadfast support to your customers involves presenting them with the liberty to contact your agents through any channel they are comfortable with. Think of SMS, phone calls, social media platforms, emails, voice calls, and other means of communication. With omnichannel customer service, businesses can manage interactions with their customers on multiple channels of communication. […]

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Customer Experience

Customer self-service: Its relevance in a competitive business world

Wearing the entrepreneurial hat, it’s easy to assume that great customer service stems from a resourceful helpdesk. However, do you know that your customers are not always interested in reaching out to your support desk for help? In most cases, they try to seek answers to common problems all by themselves. Interestingly, 67% of your […]

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Agent Workspace

What are the different types of customer self-service resources?

To a layman, self-help often turns out to be the best form of assistance. From a marketer’s perspective, providing self-service resources happens to be a provision to save time. Again, looking through the lens of a business owner, time is money. So, in this equation, how would you prioritize self-service for customer support? Remember, 88% […]

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Customer Experience

Developing an effective and efficient CX strategy: How to go about it?

Forward-thinking businesses habitually prioritize leveraging their customer experience to thrive in the competitive digitized environment. One needs an experimental yet strategic planning while formulating an effective and efficient CX strategy.  Your customers expect digital experiences to be enjoyable, smooth, and intuitive. With a powerful CX strategy, you can significantly slash your churn rates, boost brand […]

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Customer Experience

Top Reasons Why Businesses are Switching to Omnichannel Strategy

With consumers exploring different mediums for communicating with their folks as well as business, it becomes essential for the latter to serve them where they are. The increase in the number of modes of communications have made it compelling for businesses to devise an omnichannel strategy to serve their target across the popular channels of […]

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Customer Experience

How to execute omnichannel support strategy – 4 important ways

Going omnichannel is indispensable for most brands today. Today customers want to be served across divergent channels and especially, those that they use to communicate in their daily lives.  Earlier, the channels demanded customers to report their issues from scratch every time they reached a channel. This resulted in poor customer experience and diminishing brand […]

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Customer Experience

How can eCommerce brands reduce product returns by strengthening customer support?

Processing an order return is an unpleasant experience for any eCommerce business. Unfortunately, most eCommerce companies need to refund the payment to their customers when a return is booked (read, not a replacement!)  As per recent statistics, more than 20.08% of all the merchandise that was ordered in 2021 was returned. In terms of monetary […]

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Customer Support

New growth strategy for online businesses: Proactive customer service

The traditional concept of customer service often makes business owners think of a team of agents helping their customers resolve their queries and sorting their issues. Well, when customers reach out to your company, the nature of customer service is reactive. Unless you are proactive with your customer service to offer a better experience to […]

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How to convert one-time buyers to repeat customers on eCommerce platforms?

As an eCommerce service provider, you know the effort and expenses you go through to acquire new customers and retain the existing ones. Would you not like to see them return to your platform again and again? A one-time purchase may not even compensate your business for the acquisition cost involved in winning the client. […]

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Customer Experience

How Can Cultivating an Engaging Community Enhance Customer Experience?

Businesses are hunting for new ideas to craft a better customer experience every day. How about fostering a positive community culture that can work in favor of your customers? Once your customers purchase your products or services, they would be discussing their pros and cons online. Given that different customers exchange ideas based on their […]

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Customer Experience

4 Key Strategies to Manage Customer Conversations Effortlessly

Fostering successful connections with your clients starts with choosing the right CRM software. However, with new features being integrated into these tools regularly, businesses are finding it increasingly challenging to keep their customers in the loop. The way you used to interact with your customers has changed drastically over the years. In the past, salespersons […]

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Customer Experience

What is Omni Channel Customer Service & Why Does it Matter?

Establishing a seamless communication channel to keep your customers in loop has always been the priority. At a time when customer experience defines the success and retention rate of a brand, you cannot possibly overlook the value of omnichannel customer service.  Forward-thinking brands have already capitalized on their omnichannel support mechanism to create more engagement […]

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Customer Support

What is customer experience? How does it matter for your brand success?

As you scale your business, you would be growing your clientele, right? So how do you plan to sustain this expanding customer base? It’s your customer experience that shapes their sentiments and keeps them hooked to your brand. Customer experience involves a spectrum of interactions you have with them. Based on the quality of these […]

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Customer Support

Agent performance based on customer feedback: How five brands have done this successfully

As a business owner operating in the competitive digital infrastructure, you can never undermine the value of your customer support desk in shaping your customer’s experience. Behind the phone calls and emails that your contact center makes, there’s a human essence all the time. It is this human element that can deliver a good customer […]

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Agent Workspace

Improve your agent workspace to to eventually benefit your customers

As a business owner, it’s natural to remain obsessed with your growth trajectory. As you scale up your business, you should be well-poised to respond to the queries of your customers. Well, this is a good sign for your business. However, have you considered the pressure this would exert on your customer support team?  A […]

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Customer Experience

How Crucial is Customer Experience for Financial Businesses in the Digitised World?

The rapid digitization of the fintech industry worldwide has highlighted the crucial need for a strong customer support system. When your business revolves around finance, there’s no room for gaps in your support desk. With the rise of digital transactions and mobile banking, a larger portion of customers fall into the tech-savvy category. Naturally, they […]

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Why do online shoppers abandon carts & what do retailers have to do with it?

Cart abandonment happens to be a key concern that eCommerce retailers should prioritize addressing. It’s imperative to understand your customers and why they leave the checkout page without ordering your merchandise. Digital cart abandonment can lead to as much as 75% customer loss for eCommerce platforms. In this article, we are going to explore the […]

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A Detail Guide for Black Friday eCommerce

For eCommerce retailers, the Black Friday presents a win-win situation. With online merchandise worth $209.7 billion waiting to be sold, it’s time to strategize your tactics and bank on the opportunities. Whether you go for influencer campaigns, social media ads, or special deals for Black Friday, you need to ensure a strong shopping experience. You […]

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Customer Support

Guide to improve customer experience in eCommerce for reducing order returns

Returning products is a feature available across most online shopping platforms, and unfortunately, one that’s used very frequently.  Statistics show that 20.8% of all the merchandise ordered by online shoppers in 2021 ended up being returned. If you add up the data across all eCommerce businesses, that’s merchandise worth USD 761 billion getting sold without […]

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Customer Support

Boosting revenue by enhancing customer lifeline value

The digitized business landscape presents a plethora of challenges for eCommerce business owners when it comes to retaining customers. Does it make sense to have a strategy where you need to chase new customers round the year?  By offering adequate customer support, eCommerce business owners can leverage their customer lifeline value. It pays to retain […]

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Customer Support

Social Commerce Strategy: Advantages and Steps to Use

With the emerging trends of digital marketing, social media has become commonplace for businesses to target leads and sales. So, when businesses take advantage of social commerce strategies, they allow customers to choose a service or product easily, available at their service, round-the-clock. In addition to having the freedom to browse stress-free, social commerce allows […]

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How important is CRM for the success of eCommerce?

You have a great product. You have also designed a good website. You have optimized your website and you are also getting web traffic. Conversions have so far been good. But can you be happy and relax? No! Because competition is just waiting for you to slip up. So, what should you do? You need […]

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Customer Support

Augment your e-customer support with customer self-service

Amazon leads the eCommerce business. It has managed to sustain its position consistently for the past many years. Have you wondered why? Can you implement Amazon’s mantra for success? With eCommerce businesses booming and everyone eyeing a slice of the pie, getting ahead of competition is a necessity. The threat of a competitor edging past […]

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Customer Support

Customer self-service: A critical option for customer engagement

All businesses online or offline thrive on customers. For an offline shop, it is easy for customers to self-serve themselves. But when you have an online website serving as your shop, how do you get customers to self-serve? What does customer self-service mean for an eCommerce website? Does it hold any importance? Such questions are […]

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Customer Support

Want to boost your customer engagement successfully?

With the whole world becoming one single marketplace, just having a simple online presence is not enough. Why will the global audience buy from you? What will make your online shop stand out? How will you ensure customer loyalty and conversions? These are vital questions that many eCommerce business owners, like you, keep asking themselves. […]

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Customer Support

What makes offering 24/7 customer services so important?

Do you know what is the biggest advantage of opting for e-commerce? The ability to serve a global marketplace. But many businesses are unable to take advantage of this. The different time zones that exist make it challenging to expand businesses across the globe. But not anymore! Today many people are opting for 24/7 customer […]

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How Can You Increase Your Ecommerce Revenue Using Shopify Live Chat?

Today the e-commerce industry presents both, diverse omnichannel opportunities and extreme competition. This leads us to an important question. How can your online businesses ensure e-commerce revenue growth? The answer is simple. You need to implement a finely-honed and well-executed marketing strategy. But no strategy, by itself, can be said to be comprehensive enough to […]

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Customer Support

Leveraging Shopify Live Chat to grow your eCommerce business

For companies involved in eCommerce, sustenance depends on converting one-time visitors into repeat customers. Without coming in physical contact with the customer, this might seem a bit difficult. But not anymore! It is now possible to deliver personal touches and make every visit a pleasant experience for the customer by making use of Live Chat […]

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Understanding Order Fulfillment To Implement Strategies For Its Improvement

While e-commerce might seem like an easy way of doing business, only the people involved know the sheer amount of juggling that is required. So why do they do it?    The simple answer is to redefine customer fulfillment and add value. With customer expectations increasing manifold, there are more things associated with order fulfillment […]

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Customer Support

Post-sales Customer Support Activities to Include in your To-do List

A business’s relationship with a customer begins when the latter inquires about the product or service offered. Many times, it is assumed that once the product or service is sold, the relationship comes to an end. Contrary to this popular belief, the real relationship begins when the sale is accomplished. The customer feels much privileged […]

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